An abandoned road, overgrown with four small puddles and one large puddle. In collaboration with the Mastic Beach Conservancy, the design aims to reclaim the abandoned road as a walking trail as a start for a larger effort to connect the town to the wetlands and coastline biomes. The design cultivates tactics of rewilding and regeneration of this former wetland. Through simple details, procurable and workable materials, the assembly of bog bridges and seating supports habitat growth along this scarred stretch of landscape. The large puddle has already cultivated various morethan human species so the bog bridge becomes more of a living lab through a semi-wet porch and multipurpose seating.
An adjacent property of a house slated for demolition will support a ecological viewing and learning platform for the area. The new architecture is a platform for guests to experience this regenerating biome.
An adjacent property of a house slated for demolition will support a ecological viewing and learning platform for the area. The new architecture is a platform for guests to experience this regenerating biome.
2023 -
Mastic Beach, New York
Viewing Deck, Walking Trail
Galvanized Steel Grating, Painted Cedar Decking, Painted Steel Plates
2023 -
Mastic Beach, New York
Viewing Deck, Walking Trail
Galvanized Steel Grating, Painted Cedar Decking, Painted Steel Plates